Service integration
You'll notice that our website is still being built - we've been so busy collaborating with our clients we've not had time to work on it.. But please have a look around and get in touch if you would be interested in working with us.
Dominic has three decades experience of working with partners to improve opportunities for people facing multiple disadvantage.
He has established lasting partnerships and led programmes that have transformed services for people experiencing homelessness, mental health problems, substance misuse and contact with the criminal justice system.
We support local authorities, the NHS, charities and government to:
We work closely with your teams and stakeholders to understand the unique service landscape in your area and create the long term solutions that people need.
Along with Dom's own experience, we can help bring together the expertise you need to deliver lasting change.
Our work is guided by our passion for:
Co-production and collaboration
Social justice
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Integrity and transparency
Evidence and learning
Sign up to hear from us.
Dom is passionate about improving opportunities for people whose life experiences have pushed them to the margins of our society, especially those experiencing homelessness, mental ill health, drug and alcohol addiction, domestic abuse and contact with the criminal justice system.
Over thirty years, he has had a significant impact in local services and national policy, usually by bringing people who are "experts by experience" together with service providers, researchers and policymakers.
His approach focused on empowering and developing leaders, building partnerships and joining up systems.
Dom has helped organisations develop clear strategies, formulate evidence-based solutions and drive change through innovation, learning and evaluation.